10 Things I Didn't Know About the Debut Year
When I started out on this journey to getting published, I thought I knew what I was in for. Turned out, I had no idea. So let me share a...
Author Interview: Sarah J. Schmitt
RJ: Hello all. I’m RJ Jones, star of the upcoming novel IT’S A WONDERFUL DEATH, and I am here with the author of this tell-all book about...

Fall 2015 Reading List
This fall is obviously a crazy busy time for me, but there are a few books coming out in this season that I am absolutely going to read...
Interview with an Editor: Julie Matysik
SARAH: Hey everyone! I’m here with Julie Matysik, editorial director of children’s and education publishing at Skyhorse Publishing or, as...

HAPPY BOOK BIRTHDAY! (Surprise Present Included)
It's here! It's finally here! October 6, 2015 is offcially my 5th most favorite day ever! (Other favorite days in chronological order are...

Let the pre-release party begin!
Since Wednesday, my stomach has been in knots and I'm doing everything I can not to let the bounce in my step shoot me to the moon. Why?...