Fall 2015 Reading List
This fall is obviously a crazy busy time for me, but there are a few books coming out in this season that I am absolutely going to read before the end of the year. Narrowing this list has been an almost impossible challenge, but I’m pretty happy with my selections.
August Debut: THE CREEPING by Alexandra Sirowy Why? I don’t know what it is, but I am so in the mood for scary stories and this one is a great way to kick it off!
August “veteran” Author: LAIR OF DREAMS by Libba Bray Why? Um, well first of all, it’s the sequel to THE DIVINERS and second of all… it’s Libba (freaking) Bray.
September Middle Grade: THE PIRATE CODE by Heidi Schulz Why? I am obsessed with Jocelyn and her adventures on the high seas!
September Debut: THE FIX by Natasha Sinel Why? I’ve been looking for a good, deep contemporary and I think this one might just fit the bill!
September “veteran” Author: DUMPLIN’ by Julie Murphy Why? I started reading the ARC on my way back from BEA and feel in love with the main character. Committee reading requirements got in the way and I had to put it on the back burner but when it showed up in my OwlCrate box, I was so stoked!

October Middle Grade: THE SWORD OF SUMMER by Rick Riordan Why? “Bcause it’s Rick Riordan that’s why."
October YA Debut: ROMANCING THE DARK IN THE CITY OF LIGHT by Ann Jacobus Why? This book just sounds amazing and it comes out on the same day of IT’S A WONDERFUL DEATH so I have to show some love for my girl Ann.
October “veteran” Author: THE ROSE SOCIETY by Marie Lu. Why? I loved THE YOUNG ELITES and can’t wait to see what happens next.
November Debut: RULES OF 50/50 CHANCES by Kate McGovern Why? I have a good friend who may or may not have the gene for Huntingtons and I want to see how the author handles this timely subject.
November “veteran” Author: WINTER by Marissa Meyer Why? Okay, this is a two-fer because I have not had a chance to read CRESS yet, but I love this series and want to see more!

December Debut: THE YEAR OF LIGHTNING by Ryan Dalton Why? This book just has be so curious. I love a good lightning book.
There you have it. My list of must-reads this fall. And if you don’t see your most anticipated book on this list, leave a comment and tell me what else I should be reading. I need more ideas!