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Audiobook Endorsement: Illuminae

I don't normally do book reviews on my blog. There are a lot of reasons. First, just because I didn't like a book doesn't mean it's not good. I would hate to be even a speed bump on the road of someone finding the book that connects them to reading. Second, I work in this industry. I attend conferences with some amazing authors. And the internet can be a cruel place, especially at two in the morning when you're contemplating if you're really just a hack writer who got lucky once and is now condemned to a life of obscurity. Or something like that. I would hate for someone to stumble across something I posted and have a poorly worded review add to that career crisis moment.

In short. I don't like to be mean to people. Unless they make me. And then I am all in.

However... I do love to give book endorsement to books that blow my mind. Normally I do this verbally, at the library, when I'm browsing for books, when I visit my dentist's office.

But today I am going on record to say that the audiobook of Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff is AMAZING! You can listen to a sample of it by clicking the icon below. (This will take you to the Amazon page and their is an audio sample below the main image of the book cover. Go now. Then come back.)

Why is it so amazing? Well, to start of with, the book itself is great. The twists and turns will delight even the most skeptical of readers. The characters make me laugh and cry and scream. So yeah. The writing isn't bad.

And the cast, oh the cast. Yes, I said cast, as in FULL CAST! If you are an avid audiobook listener, you probably know that very few books are done with a full cast. There might be a male and female narrator to bring the characters to life, but a full cast, well, that's like me running. It happens, but not that often.

So if you are looking for an audiobook to entertain you on a long trip, this should be at the top of your list! Just don't listen to it late at night. If you're anything like me, you'll end up afraid of the dark and beset by creep filled nightmares. But if you're into that, then what are you waiting for?

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