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Where has the time gone?

Some how, without me even noticing it, almost two months has gone by since I put up a blog post. I wish I could say that I had been furiously busy, buy to be honest, I can't remember what I would have been furiously busy doing. Okay, yes, there is that little book of mine who will meet the light of bookstores all around the country in five days. And my sister had a baby so I spent many hours waiting by the phone for news. And we've been homeschooling which has it's ups and downs. And then there's that pesky 9-5 job to keep the lights on, but OTHER than that... I've really done nothing.

And it's been nice. But my vacation from reality is over. (And, for the record, I think I need to look up the definition of vacation... there is a slight chance I'm doing it wrong.)

In case you missed it on twitter or facebook, It's A Wonderful Death comes out on October 6, 2015. A lot of people ask me if I know how many books I've sold and I don't know. My mom bought like eight, so combine that with the ones I bought and I know I've sold twelve. WOOT WOOT!

Being this close to release is surreal. I can't believe everything I've worked for is about to come full circle. I'm not going to lie. It's pretty awesome.

So if you're finding my website for the first time, welcome. And keep coming back. I've got some pretty wicked surprises coming your way next week. And if you are a returning visitor, thanks for all your support. Fall 2016 is looking absolutely fabulous!

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